Akshay Srivatsan

Akshay Srivatsan is a student at Johns Hopkins University pursuing a combined Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Applied Math and Statistics. He has worked at Bloomberg LP and at Applied Communication Sciences over the past two summers, and will work at Facebook this year. Akshay has a strong interest in machine learning, specifically in natural language processing, and has experience with graphical model approaches such as LDA and also deep learning based techniques such as word vector embeddings. He is currently doing research with Dr. Jason Eisner, a professor at JHU affiliated with the Center for Language and Speech Processing and the Machine Learning @ JHU community, and is a CA for Dr. Eisner’s class on Natural Language Processing. Recently Akshay has also become interested in TensorFlow as an effective toolkit for deep learning. Using the library, he has implemented projects on deep Q learning, and on deep canonical correlation analysis.

  • Interests: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
  • Tutoring: CA of NLP 600.465
  • Academic Standing: Junior set to complete BS/MSE in 2017
  • Languages: Python, Java, C, C++, Matlab, R
  • Hobbies: Bhangra (a type of Indian dance) and Video Games